Trade War Increases Trump Will Apply Chinese Import Rates

President of the United States (US) Donald Trump has threatened to impose import tariffs of 200 billion US dollars on 25 percent of Chinese goods. 

The amount of Chinese goods increased after the bamboo curtain country was considered to violate the agreement. The enactment was planned at 12:01 a.m. Friday local time, right in the middle of a two-day meeting between Chinese Deputy Prime Minister Liu He and Trump's top trade officials in Washington.

"I have just announced that we will raise rates and we will not retreat until China stops deceiving our workers and steals our work, and that is what will happen, otherwise we do not have to do business with them," Trump said as quoted by Reuters .

"They violate the agreement. They can't do that. So they will pay. If we don't make a deal, there's nothing wrong with receiving more than 100 billion US dollars per year," he added. In this case the Chinese government does not remain silent. The country with the capital city of Beijing will reply if the import tariff rises.

"The Chinese side is very sorry if US tariff measures are implemented, China must take the necessary countermeasures," the Chinese Ministry of Commerce said on its website. 

For information, the two countries with the world's largest economy have been involved in a tight tariff war since July 2018 on US demands that Asian power plants adopt policy changes, among others, will better protect American intellectual property and make the Chinese market more accessible to companies US. 

Reuters cited US government and private sector sources, reporting that China had backed down on almost all aspects of the draft trade agreement and threatened to cancel negotiations and encourage Trump to increase tariffs. ( Read )

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