Download the latest turbo VPN version 2.8.2

Download The Latest Turbo VPN Version 2.8.2
Turbo VPN is a mobile-only system based out of China. The Virtual Private Network has over 50 million downloads worldwide, with most using the free version.

We’ve already had a few run-ins with free VPNs. Not many of them good.

Some either lack security, suffer poor performance, or even log and sell your data to third parties.

We’re going to find out in this Turbo VPN review if they suffer from the same flaws. Or if they’re the exception to the rule.

Turbo VPN information [ DOWNLOAD )
  1. Turbo VPN FREE & Premium Version
  2. Turbo VPN version - 2.8.2 Version
  5. NETFLIX - Dedicated Netflix Servers on VIP Program
  6. TORRENTING - Allowed, but No Dedicated P2P Servers
  7. SPEED - 78 out of 78

Turbo VPN Pros
Hoxx VPN, another ‘freebie,’ was one of the worst VPNs we’ve reviewed.

Thankfully, Turbo VPN doesn’t suffer the same fate.

For starters, they seem to take security more seriously than most free VPNs, which often account to no more than a proxy service. They also provide a leak-free experience, meaning your private data will stay safe and sound even when connected to public wi-fi.

There are servers that work with Netflix, and offer up available torrenting ones, too.

Here’s the full list.

Top of the Line Protocols and Encryption
No Leaks Detected
Works With Netflix on VIP Servers
No Torrenting Censorship

TurboVPN Cons
Turbo VPN is nowhere near as bad as some of the other free VPNs we’ve reviewed.

They’re even better than some paid ones, too.

But they’re also a far cry from the upper echelon like ExpressVPN.

A slow connection speed and questionable logging policies start off a plethora of problematic issues.

Turbo suffers from being a mobile-only application, as most modern VPN users want protection while surfing the web on their computer, streaming device, and gaming console as well.

An extremely limited server park and non-existent customer support round out this list of cons.

Let’s jump into the bad.
  1. Questionable Logging Policy
  2. Chinese Jurisdiction
  3. Slow Speeds
  4. Limited Device Support
  5. Small Server Park, No Kill Switch
  6. No Customer Support Whatsoever
  7. Ad-Filled & Slow Hands-on Test
Do I Recommend Turbo VPN?
No, I do not. Don’t get me wrong, as far as free VPNs go, this is one of the best. That’s not saying much, though.

You can’t choose your own servers. The performance was incredibly slow. They log your activity, sell ads against your browsing data, and are only available on mobile devices.

Their paid plan does offer a few extra perks. However, those are laughable compared to the outrageously-high cost.

There’s nothing even remotely worth it about this app to justify such a price. Not when we have a list of the best VPNs, most of which have comparable costs.

If you’re planning on spending any kind of money or want to do anything more than just casually browse the web, there are much better options out there.

I recommend you check out those, instead.

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